
Welcome to RSMF

Remote Student Monitor Framework for Securing Exams

Project Objectives

Remote Student Monitoring Platform

It provides a well-tested, secured, quality assurance path for students to take exams remotely by applying modern technologies to resolve the challenges of observing students.

Accreditation Monitoring Framework

Detailed and completed accreditation procedures with indicators and qualitystandards on implementing and monitoring online remote exams.

Guide book for Higher Education

A detailed user guidebook, which will help both users (students) and proctors (academic staff and administrative staff) to navigate and use the Remote Student Monitoring Platform.

Training on Digital Transformation

Short-term intensive course about training the student, academic and administrative staff and understanding the technical specifications for using the Remote Student Monitoring Platform.

What we offer?

Due to the unprecedented COVID-19 incident, higher education institutions have faced different challenges in their teaching-learning activities. Mainly conducting assessments remotely during COVID-19 has posed extraordinary challenges for higher education institutions owing to a lack of preparation superimposed with the inherent problems of remote assessment. In addition, higher education institutions are one of the sectors in which most activities are affected since conducting face-to-face classes and laboratory activities would require physical interactions.

The idea of the project is to find ways and methods to ensure high quality in the organization of remote exams in higher education. One of the fundamental aims is to develop a complete and concrete evaluation system for remote exams at the Universities, following the instructions and regulations of the Quality Assurance Agencies in Europe.

The proposed platform's primary outcome and main drive are to make the remote exams economically and practically viable and secured by employing state of the art video processing algorithms and minimizing the required proctors.

Another expected result is to diminish the intent of cheating from students as they will not depend on the human factor. Moreover, suspicious behaviours from students will record and store, resulting in the elimination of oversights or error human judgments.

Finally, the RSMF project will develop a wide range of educational resources to support Universities (academic staff, students, and administrative staff) to adopt a holistic system to organize secured remote exams.


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